Top 5 ways to take time for yourself this winter!

Winter. The days are shorter, the nights are longer, and with everything 2020 is chucking at us it’s the recipe for a tough time for a lot of us. That said, there’s loads of ways to make sure you are still taking the time for yourself this winter, giving yourself those mindful moments and keeping on top of your mental health. Here’s our top 5!
1. Exercise
We know it’s cold and wet outside, but no-one has ever regretted getting out for that walk or run. Exercise and physical activity are proven to improve our mood, reduce stress and reduce anxiety. So whether it’s an indoor home workout by Bradley Simmonds, or a jog with a friend, get that heart rate racing.
2. Nature and the outdoors
Nope, we aren’t saying become a tree-hugger, but getting outdoors into open, green spaces and fresh air can work wonders for your mental health. Time to let your mind wander and let go of the day to day stresses we’re all facing. Learn to appreciate and really notice the little things, the sounds of birds tweeting or the smells of a local meadow. A much needed break from looking at screen after screen.
3. Headspace app
Meditation can still sound a bit daunting. Luckily, Headspace is a great platform that makes meditating accessible to all. With intro classes designed to give you a gentle induction into this part of the mindfulness sphere, it really is a phenomenal way to give yourself the daily moments to yourself you need.
4. Jigsaw puzzles!
We couldn’t write a blog about taking time for yourself without giving our favourite oddly-shaped pieces a shoutout. Jigsaw puzzles (particularly the artistic kind, hint hint) are the perfect way to break up the inevitable cycle of social media scrolling and Netflix series binging. There is something so satisfying and rewarding about getting to the end of a jigsaw puzzle, and looking back at the stunning piece of art you’ve pulled together. A genuine few hours of stress release, and the chance to take your mind off things, whilst at the same time giving you a creative output.
5. Dedicated no-phone times
This one for us is a big one. Anyone else seen their screen-time concerningly creep up over the (never-ending…) lockdowns of 2020? Us too. There’s something quite unnerving about being constantly available and contactable at all times of the day, particularly when your choice of activities outside of your living room are limited. Having set times in the day where you set your phone down and leave it for an hour or two can be great to take some time and not think or worry about what’s going on in the world, the pressures of notifications and break-up that social media scrolling.
Whatever your mindful mantra's, make sure you take the time for yourself this winter!
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